• Apply for a
    WeChat Official Account

Welcome to Runthechat

What are WeChat Official Accounts?

WeChat Official Accounts are the WeChat equivalent of a Facebook page: they are an interface a brand can use to:

  • Gather followers
  • Send them push notifications
  • Redirect them to a website/e-commerce

Most WeChat Official Accounts appear in the “Chat” section of WeChat. This is the section of WeChat which is most similar to WhatsApp / Messenger. Upon sending notifications, WeChat Official Accounts are brought to the top (we’ll see nuances about this topic in the section regarding different types of accounts)

Users can then open the account to access a conversation interface where they can either click on push notifications or access information through the bottom menu interface

How do users find WeChat Official Accounts?

There are several ways WeChat users can find and follow WeChat official accounts.
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    Finding an account from the WeChat social timeline (also called WeChat Moments)
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    Scanning a QR code
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    Shared name card
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    Advertising from WeChat Moments

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If you need some special requirements or some specific function, please do not hesitate to contact us, we are very happy to serve you.